Map of Experts - Propagation WG
Propagation is the core and integral part of every wireless system
and investigations on propagation are the starting point for every new system that is designed from scratch or adapted to a new frequency range and/or operational environment.
List of propagation Experts in Europe
Within this Working Group, the idea has been raised to build a map of research groups/laboratories in Europe (and close countries), which will help to provide a consolidated vision of the European capacity in propagation.
The current list is the result of this initiative and contains the data that has been collected so far. The list is, therefore, not complete and should be considered as a living one, to be updated regularly. Every research institution active in propagation, which wishes to be included in the list should fill the excel sheet and send it to the contact person:
Lorenzo Luini.
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For the collection of the data the institutions have been grouped according to two criteria. The first one is the country, where in some cases a small block of countries have been grouped together following the principle of regions in the EurAAP delegate Assembly. The second criteria is the scientific/application topic...
Coordinators of the map of experts:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Kürner
Institut für Nachrichtentechnik
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Schleinitzstr. 22
D-38092 Braunschweig
Tel.: +49 531 391 24 16
Fax: +49 531 391 51 92
Prof. Alain Sibille
RF and Microwaves Group
Telecom ParisTech/Comelec,
46 rue Barrault,
75634 Paris cedex 13, France
Tel: +33 145 81 70 60
Fax: +33 145 80 40 36
Ph. D. Lorenzo Luini
DEIB – Dipartimento di Elettronica
Informazione e Bioingegneria
Politecnico di Milano
Building 20, Via Ponzio 34/5,
20133, Milan, Italy
Tel: +39 02 2399 3693
Fax: + 39 02 2399 3413
Propagation is the core and integral part of every wireless system, and investigations on propagation are the starting point for every new system that is designed from scratch or adapted to a new frequency range and/or operational environment.
Although research in propagation has a long tradition in radio science, we are still far away from having answers to all propagation-related problems and questions arising from research, development, standardization, regulation and operation of wireless communications. On the other hand the propagation community is split in “sub-communities”, such as mobile propagation, satellite propagation, remote sensing, etc.
The separate sub-communities meet typically at separate conferences. Still there are many topics common to each of these areas and for that reason all can benefit from interactions between them.
The European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) - organised by EurAAP - is the only big conference in Europe where scientists representing the different areas are present together, enabling the exchange of information as well as networking across the different sub-communities. Under the umbrella of EurAAP, a Working Group on Propagation (WG9) working group on propagation has been created, with the goal to stimulate collaborations and take a variety of initiatives regarding propagation research in Europe (and close countries).
Within this Working Group, the idea has been raised to build a map of research groups/laboratories in Europe (and close countries), which will help to provide a consolidated vision of the European capacity in propagation. The current map is the result of this initiative and contains the data that has been collected so far. The map is, therefore, not complete and should be considered as a living one, to be updated regularly. Every research institution active in propagation, which wishes to be included in the map should fill the excel sheet given here and send it to the contact person: Lorenzo Luini.
For the collection of the data the institutions have been grouped according to two criteria. The first one is the country, where in some cases a small block of countries have been grouped together following the principle of regions in the EurAAP delegate Assembly. The second criteria is the scientific/application topic. Similar to the grouping of countries, some topical areas have been merged, resulting in the following six areas:
Mobile Communication (Mobile);
Satellite Communication (Satellite);
Remote Sensing, radar, radio astronomy (RemRadRas);
Navigation (Nav);
Free Space Optics (FSO);
Other topics (Other), including terrestrial and ionospheric propagation.
The data of all institutions belonging to the same research area and country is compiled into one list. In order to generate a first version of the data, an expert for each country/area has been approached in order to collect the data for this entry. This expert has asked the named persons from the institutions included in the files for permission to publish the data and has communicated this to the authors of the document.
A special acknowledgment goes to Johannes Baumgarten, who prepared the Excel sheet for the collection of the data as well as to Jarosław Sadowski and Krzysztof Cwalina for preparing the web page.
Below is the list of these experts, who are warmly thanked for their contribution to building the current map.
Sławomir J. Ambroziak
Shlomi Arnon
Yannick Benniquel
Connor Brennan
Philip Constantinou
Luis M. Correia
Gunnar Elgered
Ondrej Fizer
Bernard Fleury
Athansios Kanatas
Thomas Kürner
Joel Lemorton
Christoph Mecklenbräuker
Claude Oestges
Athansios D. Panagopoulos
Pavel Pechac
Carlo Riva
Sana Salous
Irina Sirkova
Danielle Vanhoenacker
Rodolphe Vauzelle
Bertram Arbesser-Rastburg
Janos Bito
Xavier Boulanger
Laurent Castanet
Lászlo Csurgai-Horváth
Vittorio Degli-Esposti
Luis Emiliani
Istvan Frigyes
Matti Herben
Haneda Katsuyuki
Vaclav Kvicera
Erich Leitgeb
José M. Molina
Tudor Palade
Matthias Pätzold
José M. Riera
Neil Rogers
Alain Sibille
Terje Tjelta
Bota Vasile
Radovan Zentner
Frequently Asked Questions
We have tried to identify propagation experts for all matrix entries to collect the data. Some of the experts did not respond. In some cases the process of collection is still in progress. Please feel free to contact the authors of the document and send a filled excel sheet for your institution.
Please contact the authors of the documents. The error will be corrected in the next version of the document.
Please contact the authors of the document. The data will be added in the next version of the document.
Propagation WG News
Check the latest news about the EurAAP Propagation WG below