Job Vacancy at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) Engineer in electrical engineering, communications engineering, information technology, physics or similar for the development of new technologies for future satellite and terminal antennas for the ae... May 11, 2024
PhD Offer - Electromagnetic/haptic interfaces for human-centeredcommunications * Supervisors: * G. Sacco, M. Zhadobov, and R. Sauleau (IETR, UMR CNRS 6164) * Key words: * on-body sensors, millimeter-wave (mmWave), wearable stretchable antennas, conformal haptics. * Context: *... Sep 12, 2023
Graded-Index Radome for Beam Scanning Antennas at Ka-band - IETR * Post-doctoral offer * *Graded-Index Radome for Beam Scanning Antennas at Ka-band* * Context * The proliferation of satellite communications links has been a strong trend in recent years. M... Mar 25, 2023