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EurAAP Propagation WG White Paper

This white paper has been collaboratively written by members of the European Association for Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP) Working Group on Propagation. Its intention is to describe, to a non-specialised audience, the depth and breadth of current studies into electromagnetic wave propagation and the technologies that it underpins.

Download Propagation WG White paper

Working Group

Propagation is the core and integral part of every wireless system and investigations on propagation are the starting point for the development of every new wireless communication system that is designed from scratch or adapted to a new frequency range and/or operational environment. Although research in propagation has a long tradition, we are still far away from having answers to all propagation-related problems and questions arising from research, development, standardization, regulation and operation of wireless communications. On the other hand, due to the vastness of the topic, the propagation community is composed of a few distinct communities related to more specific areas such as Earth-Space Propagation, Terrestrial Mobile Propagation, Short Range Propagation, Remote Sensing and Free-Space Optical Propagation.

The sub-communities meet typically at separate conference. Still there are many topics common to each of these areas and form an exchange all can benefit. The European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)-organised by EurAAP - is the only big conference in Europe where scientists representing the different areas are coming together enabling the exchange of information as well as networking across the different sub-communities.

The Main Mission
Purpose of the Working Group

The primary objective of the Working Propagation is to increase visibility and perception of propagation both inside and outside of EurAAP/EuCAP.

To achieve this main objective the WG Propagation works towards the following objectives

  • Ensuring a proper representation of propagation within EuCAP and EurAAP

  • Increasing the number of propagation and propagation-related submissions to EuCAP

  • Increasing the number of offered propagation and propagation-related courses within the European School of Antennas

  • Supporting project proposals on propagation (for example within the COST framework)

  • Generating white papers and scientific papers on open research topics in propagation

  • Exchanging information with other propagation-related groups, e. g. COST INTERACT, URSI, IEEE VTS Committee on Propagation, IEEE AP Society, etc.

Propagation WG News

Check the latest news about the EurAAP Propagation WG below

Propagation WG Board

Lorenzo Luini


Katsuyuky Haneda


Contact the Chairs for more Info

Discover All Working Groups

Software and Modeling Tools 
Working Groups

To create a platform to share and discuss topics of electromagnetic simulation software and modeling, to gather information of software and modeling and present the relevant information systematically and objectively to serve the Antennas and Propagation community in this area.    

  Martijn van Beurden


Working Groups

To improve Antenna measurement techniques for new wireless technologies,  to develop Standard procedures for different antenna measurements techniques and  for benchmarking of antenna measurement facilities, to provide  services for antenna measurement facilities and the wireless communication industry

  Tian Hong Loh


Small Antennas
Working Groups

To Structure the European Small Antennas community, to  collect and disseminate research in the area of Small antennas and to foster international relations

 Divitha Seetharamdoo  

Active Array Antennas
Working Groups

To create a platform for networking and exchange activities, to stimulate advances in active antenna technology and systems, to increase the cooperation between EuMA and EurAAP in the field of active array antenna technology.  

 Bart Smolders

Women in Antennas and Propagation
Working Groups

To strengthen the women presence and involvement in the Antennas and Propagation community, particularly in Europe.

  Francesca Vipiana

Early  Careers in Antennas and Propagation

Working Groups

To provide a framework to get early career members acquainted with and more involved in the operation of EurAAP, to help them strengthen their network and to give them an opportunity to formulate new ideas to shape the future of the association. 

  Davide Comite