
Working Groups

Antenna measurements constitute an indispensable part of the development, approval, or commissioning of any wireless system. The stringent specifications and high complexity of modern antennas necessitate that the characterization of these be achieved by way of measurements. This is true for analysis and synthesis in the development of antennas, for verification in the approval of antennas, and for calibration in the commissioning of antennas. The importance of antenna measurements increases with the on-going growth of wireless technologies, and it is reflected in expanding research and development activities as well as numerous new antenna measurement facilities being established.  Generally, the EurAAP working group on antenna measurements constitutes a framework for cooperation to advance research and development of antenna measurements in support of the ever-increasing use of wireless technology in modern society.

The Main Mission
Purpose of the Working Group

Specifically, the EurAAP will pursue the following long-term objectives:

Antenna measurement techniques for new wireless technologies,  Standard procedures for different antenna measurements techniques,  Standard procedures for benchmarking of antenna measurement facilities, Services for antenna measurement facilities and the wireless communication industry; Mobility of personnel and sharing of technical resources; Educational activities for universities and industry; Cooperation/networking with other professional organizations on  antenna measurements

Also, this working group has established a long-term cooperation with the different COST actions in antenna area (specifically COST-VISTA), with the AMTA Europe Volunteer Group (Antenna Measurement Techniques Association) and with IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering).  The working group is organized in tasks. The on-going tasks are: 

TASK 2    Antenna Measurement Intercomparison 
Four on-going/completed campaigns with different antennas: 

. BTS1940 – base-station antenna, UMTS & GSM bands, 8 participants – completed

. SH800 – ultra-wideband horn, 0.8 – 6.0 GHz, 13  participants – completed

. SR40-A – offset reflector, Ku- and Ka-bands, 10 participants – completed

. MIMO – few PIFA antennas, LTE bands, 2 participants – on going

. MVG Chip reference antennas, V band: new campaign starting now!

Support from EurAAP for shipment and insurance of the antennas

TASK 4  New Antenna Measurement Standard  (started in 2015)
Contribution to the development of the new IEEE standard on antenna measurements (149 and 1720)

TASK 5  Measurement Facility Comparisons with mm-VAST    (started in 2019).
Campaign for comparisons in mm-bands with mm-VAST antenna to ensure accurate measurements of next generation communication antennas in K/Ka/Q/V bands. The campaign is on-going so please contact us if you want to join

TASK 6  Self-evaluation measurement
To establish a process to self-evaluate antenna measurement systems from comparison of the measurement results with the reference patterns obtained in the inter-comparison campaigns performed within Task 2. Suitable to new labs or any facility needing to do inter-comparison activities to maintain their certification.
The campaign is on-going so please contact us if you want to join.

TASK 7  New and emerging technologies for antenna OTA measurements
To promote collaborative research in new and emerging technologies for antenna OTA measurements. It started in March 2021 - on-going.

TASK 8  Synergies with the EurAAP Simulation Working Group
To cooperate with EurAAP simulation Working Group to cross validate both measurements and simulation inter-comparison activities. It started in March 2022 - on-going.

Measurements WG Board

Tian Hong Loh


Affiliation: National Physical Laboratory (NPL), UK

Marc Dirix


Affiliation: Antenna Systems Solutions (ASYSOL), Netherlands

Francesco Saccardi


Affiliation: Microwave Vision Italy (MVI), Italy 

Contact the Chairs for more information

Discover All Working Groups

Software and Modeling Tools 
Working Groups

To create a platform to share and discuss topics of electromagnetic simulation software and modeling, to gather information of software and modeling and present the relevant information systematically and objectively to serve the Antennas and Propagation community in this area.   

  Martijn van Beurden


Small Antennas
Working Groups

To Structure the European Small Antennas community, to  collect and disseminate research in the area of Small antennas and to foster international relations

 Divitha Seetharamdoo  


Working Groups

To increase visibility and perception of propagation both inside and outside of EurAAP and of the main European Conference on the topic, EuCAP.

 Vittorio degli Esposti


Active Array Antennas
Working Groups

To create a platform for networking and exchange activities, to stimulate advances in active antenna technology and systems, to increase the cooperation between EuMA and EurAAP in the field of active array antenna technology.  

 Bart Smolders


Women in Antennas and Propagation
Working Groups

To strengthen the women presence and involvement in the Antennas and Propagation community, particularly in Europe.

 Francesca Vipiana


Early  Careers in Antennas and Propagation

Working Groups

To provide a framework to get early career members acquainted with and more involved in the operation of EurAAP, to help them strengthen their network and to give them an opportunity to formulate new ideas to shape the future of the association. 

  Davide Comite