New EurAAP Chair: Stefania Monni

Dear EurAAP Members, Dear Colleagues,


Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and successful 2022!


We start 2022 with a strong EurAAP.


Our previous Chair, Cyril Mangenot, has done a wonderful job in strengthening the basis of EurAAP and in increasing the value and services offered by the association to the international Antennas and Propagation community. In spite of the huge challenges posed in the last two years by the Covid-19 pandemic, the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) and European School of Antennas and Propagation (ESoA) are stronger than ever. This was possible thanks to the commitment and dedication of the EurAAP Board of Directors, the Delegates Assembly, the EuCAP and ESoA Steering Committees, the IT management, and all the many other volunteers contributing to EurAAP activities. 


The first issue of the new EurAAP journal, the Reviews of Electromagnetics (RoE), has just been published: browse the journal webpage and discover the articles at


Moreover, the structure of the EurAAP website has been completely renovated to provide you with easier access to the latest information on the conference, the school, the journal, and the working groups. In 2022, the website will be further optimised to make it a living platform for members and interested visitors: more dynamic, more responsive, more intuitive to use. Stay tuned!


More exciting events are planned for 2022. The EuCAP 2022 Chair, Manuel Sierra Castañer, and his team are working very hard to organise an unforgettable conference in Madrid.


Thanks a lot to the EurAAP Directors who just terminated their mandate: Cyril Mangenot, Manuel Sierra Castañer, and Thomas Kuerner. As a member of the previous EurAAP BoD, I am grateful for having had the opportunity to work with such like-minded, passionate, committed people.


As the new EurAAP Chair, I feel very honoured to follow Cyril’s steps, and I will strive to build upon his heritage and further consolidate EurAAP together with the new BoD: the Vice Chair, Oscar Quevedo-Teruel; the Secretary Anja Skrivervik; the Secretary-elect, Rafael Caldeirinha; and the Directors Ross Stone, Giuseppe Vecchi, Zvonimir Sipus, and Maria Alberica Saporetti.


I am very pleased to note that 2022 will see three women Directors, accounting for more than 40% of the BoD. This is the first time in EurAAP history, and it is in general very special considering other international Antennas and Propagation societies.


At the BoD we are committed to further foster diversity and inclusion at all levels in the association. The recently established Working Group Women on Antennas and Propagation (WiAP) offers a framework to discuss the needs of the community and initiate supporting activities.  


Moreover, we intend to increase the engagement of young researchers and professionals in EurAAP activities and promote initiatives that encourage and help them into a career in antennas and propagation.


EurAAP has MoUs with six other international associations on antennas, propagation, and measurements, and supports several conferences in these fields. We will work to further strengthen the cooperation with these associations and to develop common activities with reciprocal benefits.


For all of this to be successful your ideas and contribution are very important: you are more than welcome to contact me, the other directors, or the delegate of your region for comments, suggestions and to propose new initiatives.  


Looking forward to meeting you in Madrid!



Stefania Monni

EurAAP Chair



in News
Newly elected EurAAP Board of Directors
Delegate Assembly elections have been held in June 2021 to replace the EurAAP Directors ending their mandates